Personal Psychology Unit 1 Critical Thinking Questions



University Of Arizona *

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Feb 20, 2024





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Personal Psychology Unit 1 Critical Thinking Questions Questions: 1. You learned about four theories of personality: psychodynamic, trait, humanistic, and social-cognitive. Compare and evaluate these theories. Which of these do you believe BEST explains human personality? Give evidence from the lessons to support your reasoning. 2. In your own words, what did you learn in this unit about the connection between motivation and emotion? What are the biological and cultural factors involved in both? How can you apply what you have learned and become more motivated in your own life? 3. You have probably seen many television commercials in your life. Now it’s time to apply what you have learned in this lesson about attitude formation and attraction. Explain how the makers of TV commercials influence viewers’ attitudes and make a product or person seem attractive to large numbers of people. What factors tend to influence attraction? Use terms that appear in the lesson, such as proximity and persuasion . 4. In this unit, you learned about eight types of biases. Which of these biases do you believe is MOST harmful to society, and why? Explain in your own words what type of bias it is, what its effects are, and use details or an example to support your reasoning. 5. Review what you learned in the unit about attribution theory. Explain in your own words what it is. Describe how attributions affect the way we explain behavior. In what way can attribution theory be harmful? In what way can it be helpful? Responses: 1. In my view, the social-mental hypothesis gives a more complete system by recognizing the transaction between mental cycles, observational learning, and ecological impacts. Bandura's accentuation on corresponding determinism perceives that character is molded by both individual variables and the general climate. The theory is a more comprehensive approach to understanding human personality because it takes into account the dynamic nature of behavior while also incorporating cognitive elements. 2. In applying what I've realized, I can turn out to be more motivated in my own life by adjusting my objectives to my qualities and perceiving the close to home meaning of these desires. By developing mindfulness, establishing a positive climate, and understanding social subtleties, I can encourage a really satisfying and propelled life venture.
3. By decisively integrating these elements into TV plugs, promoters intend to shape watchers' mentalities and make items or people more alluring. The objective is to create positive associations that influence consumer behavior and decision-making, whether through persuasive appeals, social influence, or proximity. 4. Consider a situation where people are partitioned on a disputable social issue, for example, environmental change. Those with a tendency to look for predictable feedback may specifically consume data that upholds their current convictions. Environmental change doubters could float towards articles or sources that minimize the meaning of human effect, while ecological activists could zero in on proof supporting atrocity. - Tendency to look for predetermined feedback is especially hurtful in light of the fact that it adds to cultural division, blocks progress, and restricts the potential for cooperation. It works at both an individual and aggregate level, impacting how individuals decipher data, draw in with different points of view, and simply decide. The tendency to look for predetermined feedback is essential for encouraging a more comprehensive and informed society, where people can participate in productive discourse, think about numerous perspectives, and work towards shared objectives. 5. While the attribution hypothesis is important for understanding ways of behaving and social communications, it tends to be unsafe when it prompts inclinations, generalizing, and unreasonable decisions. Notwithstanding, it is likewise a supportive device for further developing correspondence, settling clashes, and encouraging a more profound comprehension of the perplexing variables impacting human way of behaving.
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