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Feb 20, 2024





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This study source was downloaded by 100000863270395 from CourseHero.com on 12-08-2023 04:35:56 GMT -06:00 Copyright© ECA College RTO 45012 v21.0 Page 1 of 5 Section 3: Evaluate your change management strategy 1 Assess your communication/education plan. 1.1 Has the plan been implemented as specified? Three of the communication and education plans have actually been carried out. The only automation strategy that can be sustained calls for constant management and personnel training. 1.2 Have the objectives of the plan been achieved? Each and every learner successfully completed their simulation training. The product prototype concepts have been created and presented to the concerned employees for approval. As a result, the first and third objectives are now officially accepted and achieved. The ongoing process is the second goal of continuous training. When it is transformed from a training procedure into routine company propaganda, it will take another three months to complete. 1.3 How have personnel responded to the changes? All affected employees have responded well to the change management approach and the suggestions for new learning. The customer service employees have shown the most difficulties with regard to change learning since they must go through a significant algorithm change in learning and knowledge manifestation for customer service in the new setting. 1.4 What has been successful? The objectives of new product development and automation infrastructure development have been successful 1.5 What requires improvement? In order to achieve better training and learning outcomes in the future, the potential of automation training needs to be improved further. More interactive simulated training assets will be needed. 2 Respond to barriers to the changes/opportunities. 2.1 What barriers have been experienced in the organisation as a result of the implemented changes (identify at least one)? It is crucial to discuss one significant obstacle to change implementation in this section. It is caused by our customer service agents' psychological barrier. The customer care agents' training has been conducted in two stages. The first stage of learning about new items and their concept and viability by learning through simulated consumer interaction has been successfully completed. The psychological barrier was stopped in the next stage. Since this point, the customer care agents have been unable to understand how to incorporate their product knowledge and responses into the chat bot's memory. As the required time frame for responding to client inquiries and complaints by seeking information from the shared database is 30% longer than that they require in normal times, they showed difficulty in learning the ways to use the knowledge database software the next week. 2.2 How should you respond to the barriers? Note: Consider your organisation’s objectives and the risk management plan you developed in Section 2 of your Project Portfolio The risk management plan stated that a significant loss would result if the stakeholders were unable to adequately retain the information learned during training. Customers are initially interested in discovering how the same items have been portrayed organically when they learn about new products from the
This study source was downloaded by 100000863270395 from CourseHero.com on 12-08-2023 04:35:56 GMT -06:00 Copyright© ECA College RTO 45012 v21.0 Page 2 of 5 nature care brand. Customers may form inaccurate or
This study source was downloaded by 100000863270395 from CourseHero.com on 12-08-2023 04:35:56 GMT -06:00 Copyright© ECA College RTO 45012 v21.0 Page 3 of 5 improper perceptions of these products if the customer service representatives are unable to adequately respond to their questions about the safety of utilizing these products, their prices, where they are located, and other related issues. This is why it's crucial to divide up the courses across longer timeframes. A specific time limit must be set aside for concept learning in order to store knowledge in the database. A specified learning period for on-the-job or simulated knowledge transfer in the database with the backup process by professionals should come next. It is necessary to extend the customer service representative pilot testing term from three months to six months. They will go on to the next level, using the common knowledge database to resolve client inquiries and digitally storing case facts, once they have just completed this stage. 2.3 Attach proof of your response to the barriers to this section of your portfolio (e.g. A photo of team lunch to thank staff and acknowledge the challenges and anxiety the change created for them, email to suggest mentoring relationship etc.). 3 Modify your communication/education plan meet the objectives of the plan. Note: Make sure you highlight the changes to your original plan (e.g. by using bold font). You may enter relevant information into the template below, or use any other appropriate format. If you use another format (e.g. MS Word document), attach proof to this section of your portfolio. Change or opportunity Who must receive communication or education about the change? (e.g. Sales staff) Objectives of communicatio n or education Strategy to embed change Communicati on or education tool to be used (e.g. Live demonstratio n of new software) Activities required to deliver the communication pr education (e.g. one on one training session to demonstrate new software) Person responsible for the communicati on or education Timefra me Automa ti on and machin e control of producti o n and operatio n Production team and operation team Supervis i on of the procedur a l control and learning about capacity control Graduall y shifting to automat e d producti o n Live on- the-job learnin g Expanding the timeframe for learning activities. In the first place core learning activities by acquisition of knowledge about product and automated manufacturi ng and operating concept will be inherited by all stakeholder s. In the next stage External machin e learning speciali st and IT team personn e l 6 mont h s
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