Social Networking Cohort Segmentation



Bellevue College *

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Feb 20, 2024





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1 Social Networking Cohort Segmentation Kaitlyn Kemp Bellevue University BHMC 353 Marketing Healthcare Services Adj. Professor Quick January 28 th , 2024
2 Social Networking Cohort Segmentation In healthcare, marketing analysis is vital for attracting new patients and building a positive, long-lasting brand image. Berkowitz (2022) defines cohort segmentation as "a group of people bound together in a history by a set of events. These events can be major technological upheavals, wars, sociological upheavals, or political dislocations". These major events shape each cohort and develop learned attitudes and values that they carry throughout their lives. Seven Cohort Segmentation Categories Seven cohort segmentation categories have been identified in the United States, including Depression, World War II, Postwar, Boomers, Generation X, Millennials, and Generation Z. Each generation has distinct characteristics shaped by unique historical, cultural, social, and technological influences. Organizations can tailor their strategies by understanding these differences to cater to each generation's needs and preferences. This allows for more targeted communication and advertising strategies that create deeper and new connections with the intended audience. Depression and World War II Those in the depression cohort were born between 1912 and 1921, and tend to be frugal in their spending as financial security is of high importance. Many of this cohort live in long-term care facilities, require round-the-clock care, and have their medical costs reimbursed by Medicare. Those in the World War II cohort are born between 1922 and 1927 and exhibit traits of duty, discipline, and loyalty to authority due to the hardships of the war. Their experiences influence their compliance and value for health, making them dedicated and disciplined patients. Postwar and Boomers Those in the Postwar cohort were born between 1928 and 1945, and witnessed a rise in technological advancements and consumerism. They often prioritize job security over job satisfaction, emphasizing stability and security. In a healthcare setting, those in this cohort will wait
3 for good bedside manner, do not mind seeing a doctor anywhere, prefer friendly staff and a cheerful office environment, trust their doctors, are optimistic about their care, and cannot access online services. Those in the Boomers cohort were born between 1946 and 1964. This generation grew up with mass marketing and saw the rise of network television and then the internet (Reisenwitz & Iyer, 2007). They grew up during economic growth and cultural change, and value feeling comfortable and secure. They are more likely to prioritize mental health and value individualism, self-expression, and personal fulfillment. In a healthcare setting, those in this cohort prefer fast service, seeing accredited physicians, having professional staff and office environment, and a clear explanation of their care plan. They have less confidence in healthcare professionals and seek second opinions, and are slow to adapt to online services. Generation X Those in the Generation X cohort, also known as "latchkey kids," were born between 1965 and 1980. This generation has the nickname of latchkey kids because they were the first generation to have both parents working, and they had to come home from school and let themselves in. This led to increased independence and self-sufficiency. In a healthcare setting, this cohort prefers fast service, efficient staff, face-to-face appointments, and the most advanced technology. They often visit the emergency room instead of doctors' offices, have less confidence in healthcare professionals and seek third opinions, and prefer face-to-face or online services. Millennial Those in the Millennial cohort, also known as the digital generation, were born between 1981 and 1996. They grew up with technology and social media, which have shaped their communication style and values. They prioritize work-life balance, career growth, education, and personal development. Also, more than previous generations, this cohort is characterized by an accumulated, materialistic, and consumer culture that is primarily a result of technological innovation (Mamula-
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